Thursday, January 7, 2010

1 comment:

bob said...

I really miss Truman Capote, and that's a great picture of him with the red pants goin' on. Typical.

I remember years ago seeing him on the Tonight Show w/Johnny Carson. I was in high school then, and didn't know who he was. I sat frozen in front of the television, and finally asked my mother who that was. He seemed drunk and totally sissifed; I just couldn't beleive anyone like that would be invited on as a guest. I was fascinated.

"You don't know who that is? That's Truman Capote." She said it as if I should know. She then went on to explain that he's a writer, and he wrote the book about the family that was murdered, as if I should know that too. Now I was hooked.

Soon after that, I read "In Cold Blood" and presented a book report on it. And from that time on, whenever Truman was on TV, I was sure to watch.

That was 1967 or '68, and at the time, I had no idea that I was gay. I didn't understand what an orgasim was, although I was having them at least four times a day, and feeling quite guilty about it. Eventually, I figured it all out. I also eventually realized how cool my mother was. Anyway--

Blah, blah, blah--why do I bother to say all this? It's only because a simple photo can spark all those memories, and it's the type of photo that constantly pops up here in this blog. So thanks Craig for creating something that's different. Something with some substance which is more than what meets the eye. I miss Truman, I miss my mother--and I would certainly miss Porncake if it wasn't here. Thank you, and by the way--HAPPY NEW YEAR!